The one true secret to success | Diane Sanfilippo

The one true secret to success

Whether you’re trying to improve your health or build a business, here is a key that many of us want to deny.

Success requires: consistent, repeatable action.

Eeeeeeeek. I know. You want a shortcut. You want “the secret.”

You want to buy a magic pill, a quick-fix, an easy way there/out.

Sorry, folks, this is the truth.


For you, that might look like:

  • Blogging 3x/week
  • Posting valuable, educational, helpful content to social media every day.
  • Podcasting every week.
  • Teaching/hosting events every weekend… or every other… or even every month.

Right now, one of my goals is to show up to lift in the gym 4-5x/week. Another is to podcast 1x/week.

What’s one consistent repeatable action you can take towards your goals? How will you hold yourself accountable? Let me know in the comments below.


5 thoughts on “The one true secret to success

  • I’ve just launched a membership site and am working on a digital course to launch in January so I have mapped out my week, hour by hour, so that I accomplish something related to one of these ventures every single day. Monday is generating content for the course, Tuesday is preparing all the social media posts that are part of my marketing strategy (ha ha, strategy is a strong word!), Wednesday is writing blog posts, etc. I thrive on routine! It is the only way I can keep from just randomly pulling things together at the last minute! I’m trying to be very intentional with my time. My accountability is that I’ve already put out there the launch date for my course.

  • Such a good question! Mine right now: To post on LinkedIn at least 1x per week about my business and my learnings as a consultant. To set aside time for myself each Friday to reflect on the week and prepare for the next.

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