How to Set Goals You Will Actually Achieve | Diane Sanfilippo

How to Set Goals You Will Actually Achieve

How to Set Goals You Will Actually Achieve

We’re inching towards the beginning of a new year — a time when many people reflect on progress and set goals for the year ahead.

In fact, my team and I are preparing for an upcoming retreat where we’ll get together and plan for 2020. (If you missed it last week, read more on exciting changes ahead for the Balanced Bites brand!) 

Something to consider as you’re setting your goals: One of the best ways to dismantle exactly what you need to do, and by when, is to build your plan backwards from what you’re trying to achieve.

If you simply write “sell X amount,” or “write a book,” or even “save x dollars,” you aren’t making it concrete enough.

A concept we talked about in a recent episode of Driven around getting started in business (though it really applies universally to any goal) is to set a “by when” date to achieve your goal. Then break it down week by week, day by day… and further as-needed.

You won’t reach a goal by simply writing down A BIG GOAL on paper.

You have to break it down into manageable tasks and actions you can take to get there, and mini “wins” along the way. This is how I have approached every aspect of my business, from publishing New York Times-bestelling cookbooks to launching a prepared meal business.

Is this something you already do or are planning to do next year? Leave a comment below — I’d love to hear from you.

4 thoughts on “How to Set Goals You Will Actually Achieve

  • I turned 60 a few weeks back and have been thinking about what I really want the rest of my working days to look like.
    And I realize I don’t want to sit in the same chair and desk that I have been sitting at for the better part of 35 years.
    I would love to open a Bed and Breakfast on a lake where we have a second home.
    BUT I have no idea how to make this happen.

    • Make small steps day by day to figure it out. Research online, talk to others who do it… get a notebook/planner dedicated to figuring this out. It’ll be a big project just doing that for a while! But you’ll likely find things happen faster when you start doing and stop solely thinking!

  • I couldn’t agree more! It’s not enough to just dream of a goal—you have to bring it to fruition. I purchased a Commit 30 planner and love it to keep me organized and hold me accountable. Each month begins with an inspirational quote and a page where you can write what your 30 day challenge will be. Then, each day as you work towards completing your challenge, you check mark off that day. I get such a feeling of satisfaction checking it off!

  • I’ve decided to launch a business dedicated to empowering others to navigate healthcare confidently. I have my MPH and I’ve had recent shift in leadership at my job that has reignited that spark to want to be my own boss! I’m super excited and slightly overwhelmed but I know that putting the patient back in the center of healthcare is so necessary right now.

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