Finding Strength in Softness
I recently heard Robin Arzón say “your strength is contagious” in her Turkey Burn Peloton ride. And, I agree. I’ve felt and seen that happen for many years now… that my own strength empowers others to also be strong.
My ability to lead empowers others to lead. My lessons and examples on how I set boundaries to protect my energy and sanity and heart embolden others to finally set some dang boundaries.
But within just a moment of hearing *those* motivational words, my brain drew them out and crossed out strength in exchange for softness.
You see, strength comes EASILY to me most days. It’s a quality I’ve always held in high regard and have worked to cultivate in my life, whether emotional or physical.
So while it’s amazing to see those parts of me inspiring you, the parts I’m most proud of are the ones that come by much harder work: in this case, the softness.
If my own softness (or softening in appropriate moments/situations) can do anything to inspire others, that would be amazing.
I have learned that when I soften, I make space for people around me to soften, too. To let down their guards, to share their opinions, their needs, their desires for change… and so on. And relationships, both personal and professional, deepen.
It is so important to put ourselves first, because no one else truly can or should! Each person must do this for ourselves. But, retracting my sharp porcupine quills when I know that I’m around trustworthy and loyal people (which those close to me ARE!), this is my work.
What are you working on when it comes to self-improvement? Does this resonate with you? Or are you working more on creating boundaries at this time?
Neither is right or wrong, solely different needs for growth for us all, I think.