Why a smaller body isn't the answer | Diane Sanfilippo

Why a smaller body isn’t the answer

Before I proceed, I’ll address the elephant in the room: I have written many titles about food, eating, and what some may consider “diets.” This is a fact – I...

5 Easy Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle in a Time of Change

I’m a big fan of change. As much as I am a total creature of habit, nothing thrills me like making big changes in my life. Even sometimes all at...

I’m ready for change, but where do I even start?!

I’ve been asked this question a lot recently. And there’s never really just one straight answer. My answer would always be, well it depends. First, I ask: Why do you...

It’s Official: I’m Now a CHEK Certified Holisitic Lifestyle Coach

I’m now a CHEK Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach. This is very exciting for me. Essentially, I have a way to tell the world now that I’ve been educated on these...