Full Plate Podcast | Ditch diet culture, respect your body, and set boundaries | Episode 41: (Revisited) Will I Keep Gaining Weight Forever?

Episode #41: (Revisited) Will I keep gaining weight forever?

In this episode, we explore a common fear: the fear of endless weight gain when moving away from dieting, disordered eating, or other restrictive behaviors with food and / or exercise.

We discuss how the body reacts to deprivation (both physiological and psychological), what the science says about set point weight, and what we can learn about energy deficiency from the Minnesota Starvation Study.

Resources mentioned:

We are a listener-supported show (no ads!) so please support us on Patreon for bonus episodes atPatreon.com/fullplate Patreon is also where we publicly host transcripts for each episode, so if you’re looking for those, head over to our Patreon.

Find the show on Instagram @fullplate.podcast and as always, you can find Diane on Instagram @dianesanfilippo and Abbie @abbieattwoodwellness.

In this episode:

    • What’s New with You [1:35]
    • Main Course: Physiological impacts of restrictive eating on health [8:04]
    • Set point weight [19:13]
    • Physical harm due to restrictive eating [25:00]
    • Psychological harm due to restrictive eating [31:59]
    • Moments [45:09]

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For a full transcript of episode #41 of Full Plate Podcast, head over to our Patreon — show notes are publicly shared while bonus episodes require that you become a Patron.