Latest badass_business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #54: What I Can & Can’t Teach You About Building a Successful Business

Topics: Follow whatever it is that you’re passionate about and live your truth in that There are not people who are sitting by who have been successful who want to...

Recent badass_business
Listen, Labor, Launch #9 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #9: Listen, Labor, Launch: A Process for Working on Anything

Topics: I gave this talk at PaleoFx this year (2015), the largest Paleo nutrition and wellness conference that exists annually. It’s a fantastic event and I highly recommend attending next...

Accounting & Bookkeeping Basics #8 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #8: Accounting & Bookkeeping Basics

Topics: I recently sat down with my good friend Jessica Mishra who happens to be a smarty-pants CPA. Jessica is also a holistic health coach and a registered yoga teacher,...

Websites - To Blog or Not to Blog #7 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #7: Websites Part 2 – To Blog or Not to Blog

Topics: Deciding to blog – three factors to consider: time that you have for writing your intention for the blog the long game versus the short game If you decide...

Websites - Pages You Need #6 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #6: Websites Part 1 – Pages You Need

Topics: Building a website seems so daunting, but if you start at square 1 and focus on the critical first pages, it’ll get easier, I promise. Brochureware sites vary a...

What to do First - What's Burning #5 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #5: What to do First – What’s Burning?

Topics: What’s burning? If you don’t have a list of ideas, where do I even start? What are the top 10 questions you get? What problems are you solving for...

5 Tips on Focusing #4 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #4: 5 Tips for Focusing

Topics: In this episode, I get into details on some tips I have for focusing (in terms of the big-picture/what to do first/getting yourself started, not day-to-day tasks). Take money...

Where is Your Fear Rooted #3 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #3: Fear, Part 2 – Where is Your Fear Rooted

Topics: Judgement, criticism, and expectations. Struggling with the “who am I to….?” issues. Getting past the fear, and a fantastic quote from Marianne Williamson that I want you to listen...

Why Are You Afraid #2 - Diane Sanfilippo | Build a Badass Business

Build a Badass Business Podcast #2: Fear, Part 1 – Why Are You Afraid?

Topics: In this episode I talk about my own thoughts on why I didn’t let other people’s fears direct my path. I want you to ask yourself some hard questions:...

Build a Badass Business Podcast #1: What is Marketing?

Topics:  Just hearing the word marketing sends some people for the hills. Yes, even entrepreneurs. I want you to embrace marketing by changing the way you think about it –...

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Diane Sanfilippo

Let’s Connect!

I’ve had a colorful and expansive career spanning the past three decades, and my expertise can be applied across a variety of subjects.

We can chat about marketing your business, your ceramics journey, skincare, and beyond!